Sunday, March 19, 2006

West Cork Rally

In Ireland they use the little paved butter roads for something more useful than tractor movements - road rallys. These aren't the tame little rallies that obey the speed limit and stuff like in the US. No way! These are screaming little mini-cars with way too much horsepower and no fetters on velocity or sound control.

Apparently Ireland is the only place they rally like this on paved roads. Similar contests are held in Europe, Africa and the like, but it's almost all dirt roads.

The courses are laid out on the back roads in the country around here, with signs put up warning people the roads will be closed several weeks ahead. Then on the day of the event, crews block off the road, and the start of a stage is hearlded by a pace car running the course at (somewhat) reduced speed to make sure all the tractors and cows are off the road. Then they let'er rip.

Thousands off people turn out to watch, standing on the hedgerow fences and tromping across pastures to get to the choice corners. The media is there too with helicopters and big cameras. It's quite the deal.


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